
Can A 14 Inch Pizza Feeds How Many People


by Elena Mill


Most large pizzas measure 14 to 16 inches in diameter. It is perfect for 3-5 people in a group.

But, the main factor is it depends on the number of slices every person can eat. For kids, it is best to order a 14 inch pizza if they are 6-8 in a group if they love to eat pizzas.  

So, if the question is what size pizza is 14 inches, be sure that it is a XL sized pizza. And in terms of diameter it is 36 cm.

The size of the pizza is ideal for a group of 6-8 people coming down for a pizza party. 

But then how big is a pizza pie of 14 inches? It is 154 sq inches in area, whereas for 18 sq inches, it is 254 square inches.

So, if you are asking about, how many people does an 18 inch pizza feed, the answer is 12-14 people in a group and for kids it is more than 16 and 17. 

But, then how many pieces of pizza in a medium size. Experts say that a medium sized pizza comes around 8-9 slices.

Basically all pizzas work the same but it is the difference in the number of slices that makes the difference. 

Also Read: How To Cook Pizza Rolls In Air Fryer

How Many Slices Of Pizza Does The Average Person Eat In One Sitting?

For an average person, 2 slices of pizza is enough but if they love eating more, then 3 slices are enough.

Sometimes pizza lovers order an uncut 14 inch pizza and then serve it hot with complimentary drinks and sometimes with nuggets. It is served as finger food along with the side dish. 

Feeding Children With A 14 Inch Pizza

14 inch pizza feeds how many
14 Inch Pizza Feeds How Many

Feeding kids with a 14 inch pizza is no more a challenge. It is indeed the best slice that you can order for a kids pizza party.

Some people enquire about- medium pizza how many slices and here’s what you should know.

  • Ordering 14 inch pizza is a great choice once you are sure about the size of the group
  • You must know the pizza slices count for adults vs. teens vs. kids
  • Know about how many pizzas per person
  • Suppose you have bought the pizza and it needs to be reheated, you can reheat the pizza slices at a temperature of 450 F
  • Determine the pizza calculator parameters before you know what to order

Is A 14 Inch Pizza Big Enough For 2?

Pizza is a stomach filling food. It offers great treats to those who are looking for less yet filling lunch or evening snacks.

Suppose you are not sure about how many pizzas you should be ordering, it is like you must order for one big size pizza crust of 14 inches and 1 small size pizza of 10 inches, if you have more than 8. 

Guide On: How Can You Freeze Pizza Dough? 

You must know how many slices does a large pizza have 14/16 inch pizzas is considered medium sized pizzas whereas 18 and 20 inch pizzas are considered to be large and extra large pizzas. 

  • If you are slices for 3-4 peoples
  • A 16 inch pizza offers 50-60 percent topping on 14 inch
  • It cannot suffice for more than 5-6 people

Tips For Ordering 14 Inch Pizza For A Group Of People

14 inch pizza feeds how many
14 Inch Pizza Feeds How Many
  • Know the number of people invited to the party
  • Know what everyone prefers as toppings and side complimentary drinks
  • What should be the size of the pizza you are ordering 

How Many Slices Of Pizza Is Normal?

How many slices of pizza is normal to eat is a big question for many. Small pizzas with 8 to 10 inches are a perfect fit with the best diameter ever. Sometimes medium pizzas with 12 and 14 inches are also ordered depending on the number of people. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How many 14 inch pizzas do I need for 20 people?

Ans1. You need to order 6-7  14 inch pizzas for 20-30 people at a time. But before you do that go for the head counts. 

Q2. How much pizza do I need for 30 adults?

Ans2. You need to order 12-13 pizzas for 28-30 adults. You must follow the pizza formula of 3/ 8 slices. 

Q3. How do you calculate pizza for a party?

Ans3. In order to prevent chaos at the pizza party, it is best to order according to the head count. 

Read More:
Does Pineapple Belong On Pizza? 
How many slices in a large pizza
California Style Pizza

Elena Mill

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